Official Launch of Digital Health Project and Distribution of Hardware for 48 Government Hospitals for Implementing Electronic Medical Records

· Hon. (Dr.) Rajitha Senarathne, Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine.
· Mr. Wasantha Deshapriya, Secretary, Ministry of Telecommunication and Digital Infrastructure.
· Dr. J.M.W. Jayasundara Bandara, Director General of Health Services.
· Dr. Dr. S. Sridharan, Deputy Director General of Health Services (Planning), Ministry of Health
· Dr. Anil Jasinghe, Deputy Director General of Health Services, National Hospital of Sri Lanka
· Dr. A. I. Jagoda, Director (Health Information), Ministry of Health
· Directors and Representatives of the Selected Hospitals
Hon. Minister Rajitha Senarathne expressed his pleasure on implementing Hospital Health Information Management System (HHIMS) in the government hospitals. He shared his experiences during the visits of few hospitals where the digital health project has been initiated. He emphasized how he witnessed patients in the rural areas has adapted to the new technology that was introduced through this project. According to the Minister, it is identified as a drastic improvement happened, not only in the health sector but also in the quality of the life of the whole nation as a result of introducing digitalization.
Dr. J.M.W. Jayasundara Bandara, Director General Health Services explained in detailed about the advantages of digitalization and moreover, he emphasized that Sri Lanka is having more capabilities to be digitalized when compared to the other South Asian countries.
Mr. Wasantha Deshapriya, Secretary of the Ministry of Telecommunication and Digital Infrastructure, expressed his special gratitude for the tremendous work, being done by Ministry of Health and ICTA in implementing the HHIMS in selected hospitals. Furthermore, he stated that the Ministry of Telecommunication and Digital Infrastructure will continuously support to this project which has a national importance.