Makerspaces: Next generation Sri Lankan Innovators Space
05 Mar 2018
Public awareness session at Ministry of Education
ICT Agency of Sri Lanka together with IgniterSpace conducted an awareness session about Makerspaces concept for the public who attended the awareness session at Ministry of Education on 21st of February 2018.
With the aim of including Makerspaces to our students’ school syllabus, considered as one of the essential ingredients in creating a generation of innovators and inventors which is needed to compete in the current digital world and also to use the brain power of school kids to build a developed country from where we stand today, an awareness session was conducted for the public and the key stakeholders in public education sector.
During the awareness session, maker-kits provided by team IgniterSpace were given to kids to try that out by themselves under the supervision and guidance of instructors. These maker kits are made of plastic spoons, chopsticks, small batteries, motors, buttons and materials that we see and use in day to day life. By demonstrating as an example how creative these kids can be if they get the environment to try out new things and make things when they want to, the session successfully disseminated the message ‘The Need of Makerspaces’ to the people who attended on that day